Information Shuttle Service
From januari the 15th the shuttle service is having a new busstop, at the Lichtenvoortsestraatweg.
At the old busstop (Bolwerkweg) is no shuttle service any more.
The shuttle service drives for Monday until Friday, between 7.02 and 18.02, ones an hour.
If you want to travel in the evening or in the weekend with the shuttle service, then you need to make an reservation. You have to call for an reservation, at phonenumber: 0900-1961.
Arrival and departure times to Aalten: 7.42, 8.42, 9.42, enz. (until 17.42)
Arrival and departure times to Ruurlo (Lichtenvoorde): 7.14, 8.14, 9.14 (until 17.14)
For more information: